- narrative works with 5 different codes
- the enigma code works to keep up setting problems or puzzles for the audience.
- signified that gun belt shot in a western film signifies a shoot out.
Visual codes act as narrative cues -
e.g - boy meets girl narrative - the girl putting on make-up suggests she is making an effort to impress him
Claude Levi-Strauss (1958)
- ideas about narrative amount to the fact that he belived all stories poerated to clear binary opposites, e.g good and evil
- music videos are -
- recycled styles
- surface without substance
- simulated experience
- information overload
- image & style scavengers
- director - Spike Jonze
- based on Happy Days, a 1970's sit-com based in the 1950's
- the music video was filmed in the 90's, like a 70's show, but set in the 50's
- editing is familer to TV
- set in Arnolds ( an iconic location from the show)
- costume = 1950's prep
- mixing footage from orginal TV show with footage they filmed in the 1990's.
- Mary Tyler Moore - sitcom actress
- Buddy Holly - late 50's singer/songwriter
- boy and girl narrative - using media figures to tell the audience the story
- positioned by producers to make the ausdience see it how they want us to
- through costumes & mise-en-scene a reality is created within the media text
- format of sitcom 'to be continued'
- recreated the style of footage
Oasis - The Importance of Being Idle
- looks like the opening of a 50's/60's film
- in black and white
- compared to -
- part of 'British Social Realism' films
- realistic in portrayal of the working class
- inside of a working factory
- in black and white
- binary opposites of a push bike and a motorbike
- terraced house street
Michael Shores Ideas Explained:
Surface Without Substance - the look of something is more important than what it means
Recycled Styles - styles from the past are being re-used (e.g Madonna in Vogue as Marilyn Monroe)
Information Overload - we can access history and culture at our fingertips (the internet)
Simulated Experience - Re-created something (e.g Weezer - Buddy Holly)
Ambivalence - we don't really care what artists are referncing in their videos as long as it looks good that is all we find important
Decadence - we want everything now - instant gratification
Instant Gratification - if we want to watch a music video we can go to YouTube and have access to thousands to watch instantly
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