Thursday, 9 October 2014

Lesson Write Up - 9th October

Andrew Goodwin (1992)
  • Argues that in music videos, 'narrative relations are highly complex' and meaning can be created from the individual audio-viwers musical personal musical taste to sophistaicated interetextuality that used multidiscursive phenomena of Western culture
    • Many are dominated by advertising references, film pastiche and reinforce the post-modern re-use tradition
The history of mankind, in art, in words etc is all in one place at our fingertips - the internet.
The worlds society is there for us to learn, we can choose what we want to learn.
Everybody responds to music videos differently, depending on thier won knowledge

Intertextuality is when a media text references other media texts within it.

Sven Carlsson (1999)
  • Performance (singing, dancing, lip-syncing)
  • Narrative
  • Art clip (abstract)
Commercial Exhibitionist - not about musical talent anymore, all about making money. For example the TV show 'The X Factor' even if the auditionees can't sing that well if they have a sob story and are moderatly good looking they will probably get through.

Performers in music videos exhibit themselves to promote themselves as an artist rather than the song to make money.

Genre Theory
Genre = type/category
Chandler (2001)
  • Argues that the word 'genre' comes from the French (originally Latin) word for 'kind' or 'class'. Used in media theory to refer to a distinctive tyoe of 'text'
  • Each genre has different iconography and conventions
In media we divide texts into types based on common elements.
Barry Keith Grant (1995)
  • Texts are divided into specific categories and this allows the audience to identify with characters
  • Genres have sub-genres, identifiable by recognisable characteristics
Steve Neale (1995)
  • Genres are not systems, they are processes of systemisation - ie they are dynamic and evolve over time
  • Not fixed in presentation or narrative
  • The era/time is reflected in how genre is presented
Nosferatu (1922)
  • directed by F.W.Murnau
  • first vampire on screen
Interview With The Vampire (1994)
  • more sophisticated
  • vampire bcomes protagonist
Ideology of society and culture
To be successful genress have to change to please the audience, otherwise everything would be the same and repetitive.

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