Thursday, 15 January 2015

Lesson Write Up - 15th January

Post Modern Media
  • postmodernism suggests that advertising yoday tells us as much about society as fine art paintings
  • meanings are created by the viewer
Neo Conservative Agenda - 1980's
  • globalisation
  • free market consumerism
Companies no longer local, becomes globalised
Post modern food - e.g McDonalds, food inspired by different cultures
What defines you is the things you buy and own - these things create your identity
Offering glamour and fashionable lifestyles
People now had credit to pay for up to date things
Duran Duran, Wham! - music videos showcased celebrity lifestyles
Conspicuous consumption - about showing people what you have bought
Collapse of the Soviet Union -
A lot of western things were banned, e.g music
Tried to compete with the wesr, but communism couldnt compete
9/11 tradgedy - live on TV, hyper real event, people around the world watched it happen through the media, therefore we saw it how they presented it
  • We are not just consumers of media anymore, we are prosumers
  • We can produce out own media texts
  • Digitalisation
We experience our lives and communicate to each other through the media

Proliferation of media hardware
  • television
  • mobile phones
  • computers
McLuhan - 'the world has become smaller' - due to technology

Idea of simularcrum - 'a copy of a copy of a copy' - there is no such thing as originality

Media no longer holds a mirror up to society and reality, it is society and reality - Strinati
Intertextuality - one media texts references another
It mixes form, genre, media, and high and low art.
Hybrid Genres -
  • The Simpsons
Pastiche -  blank copy
Style of Context - the visual impact is more important than the message

Self relexivity -
  • media texts can never be a true representation of reality of truth
  • we consume other peoples ideology
Postmodernism only aplies to certain types of societies - developed economies

'all things are subject to interpretation, whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not the truth' - Nietzsche

Always competing truths and realities


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