Monday, 26 January 2015

Lesson Write Up - 26th Jan 2015

Media & Collective Identity
What does a moral panic consist of?
Concern, hostility, consensus, disproportionality, volatility
*We can link specific areas of Cohen's 'folk devil' theory in the exam to specific texts*
Ill Manors, 2011, - music video & film
  • we are all products of our environments
  • Plan B - producer
  • what influences the choices you make
If you are from/or were brought up in an area where something is produced you will have a different view because you have first hand experience and are not relying on a media representation.
Focus on these areas:
  • who is producing the representation
  • the media form used
  • the target audience it is for
What is the message behind the lyrics?
Web 2.0 allows for opinions from everyone, all different ages, social class, gender etc
Kaiser Chiefs - I Predict A Riot - 2005
  • 'the man in the tracksuit attacks me'
    • playing up the stereotype of hoosies and tracksuit being violent and associated with chavs
  • 'he looked the wrong way at a policeman'
    • the police are violent also, easily provoked, similar to the people who took part in the riots
  • 'walking through town is quite scary'
    • media image, you should be afraid of people
Pink Floyd - Another Brick In The Wall - 1979
  • Part 2 is a protest song against schooling in Britain
    • boarding schools for the wealthy, end up ruling the country
  • Conservatives - Margaret Thatcher came into power in 1979
    • miners strike later on

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