Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Lesson Write Up - 21st January

Post Modern Media
Ricky Gervais - Andy Millman - an extra
Format as a sitcom, but not traditional
Self-reflexive - draws attention to fiction - see the lights and sets
Undermines the realism of the text
Kate Winslet:
  • Known for her image of being prim and proper, upper class, usually has romantic leads - this is a media construct, we don't know her personally so this is the only image we know of
  • She is dressed as a nun, this reinforces the media image, however, the image is soon deconstrcuted as she swears and smokes - it immediatley creates a contrast to the image put forward.
  • We as an audience understand that these are not her real ideologies
Ironic Playfulness - audience is aware of the ironic meaning, the audience is actively engaged
E.g: Kate Winslet, as a nun. 'Kate Winslet talking dirty to Anne Frank and Josef Goebels' - ironic
Decline od the meta-narrative - episode is about religion, the image is deconstructed throughout.
Kate Winslet - Portraying a hyperreak version of herself, the audience understands it is ironic.
Dressed as a nun:
  • Smoking
  • Swearing
  • Taking the Lords name in vain
One charcter is dressed as Anne Frank - 'maybe keep a journal' - intertextual reference
Actress actually has cerebal palsey - she is in on the joke - not offensive or insulting, understands the ironic humour, part of a post modern text.
'I had some spare time since my tap dancing class got cancelled' - deconstrcuting the image, ironic
Diversity of representation in Post Modern Media -
  • People from different ethnic backgrounds
  • Disabilities
  • Sexual Orientation
Post Modern Media brings forward the diversity in society, so as everybody has a representation.
Dressed in suit from Saturday Night Fever to a prayer circle - intertextual reference

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