Monday, 5 January 2015

Lesson Write Up - 5th January

Media & Collective Identity
Representations of Youth & Youth Culture
  • How is youth culture represented in the media?
    • truant
    • negativly
    • rebellious
    • violent
  • How is youth culture represented in TV programmes?
    • rebels
    • anti-social
    • bad-behaviour
    • disruptive
  • How is youth culture represented in the news?
    • dangerous
    • selfish
    • easily influenced
  • How is youth culture represented in films?
    • rebels
    • anti-social
    • disruptive
    • anti-establishment
  • How is youth culture represented on social media?
    • community
    • judgemental
    • influential

No, I don't think that youth's view the representation of youths the same as adults because I think that youths would be more understanding of circumstances and be more aware of media stereotypes. However, yes I think they could view representations of youth the same as I think that both young people and adults could be judgmental and make assumptions of representations.

If I panic in the exam I can talk about my own experiences, as I am a youth.

Media and Collective Identity is one out of 2 questions that you can answer in your exam. There are 6 topic areas in the exam:
  • contempory media regulation
  • global media
  • media and collective identity
  • media in the online age
  • post modern media
  • 'we media' and democracy
You only choose ONE question. Either Media & Collective Identity or Post Modern Media.

The main area of focus will be:

Representations of youth and youth culture in the media.

We will study relevant theorists, we will apply their theories to texts. We will consider the following 4 areas:
  • How do the contempory media represent nations, regions and ethnic/social/collective groups of people in different ways
  • How does contempory representation compare to previous time periods
  • What are the social implications of different media representations of groups of people
  • To what extent is human identity represented in the media
Important Exam Rules - Must refer to the following areas:
  • HISTORICAL representations
  • CONTEMPORY representations (main focus area)
  • FUTURE representations
a contempory media text is classified 5 years from the exam date

Important Exam Rules - Must refer to at least 2 different media texts/forms
  • Media texts we will look at include -
    • film (good for historical references)
    • Tv (good for historical/contampory reference)
    • Press (*)
    • TV News (*)
    • Social Media (good for future/contempory reference)
Our Focus:
'The representation of youth in the media is complex and repetitive, depending on who and how the media is re-presented to the audience depends on how consumers percieve youths of society'

How to validate our argument we must consider the following:
  • who produces the reprentation
  • the media form used for the representation (tv, film, social media, TV news, press)
  • The target audience for the representation: (young, actual, aprent, older non-parental, OAP's)
Case studies for evidence referal:
  • Press
    • London Riots (2011) (contempory)
    • Brighton Beach Riots (1964) (historical)
  • TV News
    • Current Affairs
    • Anne Maguire murdered by Will Cornick, stabbing in the classroom
  • Films
    • Fish Tank (2009)
    • Quadrophenia (1979)
  • TV
    • Geordie Shore (contempiry)
    • Inbetweeners (*)
    • Made In Chelsea (*)
  • Social Media
    • Facebook
    • Blogs
    • Instagram
Important Exam Rule - Must refer to theory and theorists

You are assessed on the strength and validity of your argument

How you will achieve marks in the exam:
  1. EAA - Explanation, analysis, argument
    1. Must make sure my argument relates back to the question
    2. Must make sure my answer includes a variety of media thoery and texts to support my arguement
    3. I must personally enagage with the media forms and industries to demonstrate my own opinion
  2. EG - Examples
    1. My use of theories and industry knowledge connect clearly to the quesion asked
    2. I must refer mainly to contempory examples, but back up my argument with historic and future texts
    3. Must show that my argument develops through my answer and apply theory when relevent
  3. T - Terminology
    1. use relevant media thoery and write in a formal manor

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