Post Modern Media
3 questions in the exam:
2 on coursework
1 on either PMM or M&CI
- Definition of Post-Modernism - there isn't one. It's an aesthetic. WE don't know the definition because we are living in post-modernity.
- Post-Modernity - historical era, post WWII, 1948 ish - still going on, the theories of post modernism still apply
- Modernism - describes an era of art/culture/society. The modern world and industry
Enlightenment (17th century - )
- moving away from religion
- moving towards science and logic
Difference between traditional and post-modern media texts.
Historians, philosphers etc, give historical eras names becased on shared features.
Post-modernism is the first era to have mass communication
- access to mass media is what is different about postmodernism
Technology/science/logic all developed during enlightenment
Human condition - what it is to be human - we express through art
Examples - cave paintings, people painted thier experiences.
- peoples art shows people what it was like to live in that particular era
- media texts are cultural art forms
Features of a Post-Modern Society:
- state of hyperreality (media reality is more real)
- style over substance and content
- high and low culture - breakdown of distinction
- decline of the meta-narrative
- subject over objective
- multiple realities
- dominant
- God made man in his image
- meta-narrative, society was structured around the idea of Christianity
Science and logic can explain more things, therefore people bgan to move away from myth and superstition.
- industrialisation
- technology
WWI - machine guns
WWII - holocaust, nuclear bombs
people now questioning whether technology and progress was good.
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